Every time you search google for 'simple unity mouselook' you get 100 of the most complicated scripts people can come up with. I'd like to change that. It's not glamorous but it works great. Not that those scripts aren't great, they just aren't simple. This is using UnityEngine. I want frame-rate independent movement for the camera mouse-look but at the same time I want it to be as smooth as possible for 60 fps. For some reason, 60 fps seems slightly jittery. My question is, do I put the function below inside of Update or FixedUpdate? Should the deltaTime variable be time.deltaTime or time.fixedDeltaTime to achieve.
Scripts | General | Editor | Controllers | UI | Effects | Physics/Simulation | Networking | Audio | Utility |
Unity Mouse Look Script
Unity Mouse Look
- CharacterMotor - C# port of the official standard asset script (Unity 3/4.x).
- FPSWalkerEnhanced - Enhanced version of the official FPSWalker standard asset script with many added features.
- SimpleTankController - Emulates simple tank like movement.
- ClickCharacterController - Moves the character to the cursor position on click.
- TapMoveDragLook - Mobile touch-based character controller. Emulates Epic's Epic Citadel demo.
- Wander - Creates a wandering behaviour for AI characters.
Unity Mouse Look Clamp
- ShootingWeaponScript - Allows a weapon to spawn bullets, supports scatter, gravity and rate of fire.
- AimDownSights - An expansion script for the FPSWalker that smoothly animates aiming down the sights of an attached gun model.
- SixDPhysicsController - A Rigidbody based first-person six degrees of freedom (6DoF) controller.
- RigidbodyFPSWalker - A Rigidbody based first-person controller that is affected by physics.
- GravityFPSWalker - An FPSWalker iteration with custom gravity.
- VariableSpeedFPSwalker - A first-person controller with different speeds for walking, strafing and back-pedaling.
- PhysicsFPSWalker - Another physics-based first-person controller.
- ShipControls - 2D spaceship controls like those found in Overwhelmed Arena.
- VWheelCollider - Basic replacement for the built-in WheelCollider.
- AniMate - Script to quickly and easily create animations/tweens of almost any value including eased, rigidbody and rotation animation.
- AnimationStepSync - Repositions object after animation ends (useful for positioning via animations).
- iTween - Focusing on the established solutions and frameworks of projects such as TweenLite, Tweener, and other tweening systems, iTween is a battle-tested solution for streamlining production in the Unity3D environment.
- iTweenX - Usefull variables to use with iTween if you always forget the keywords.
- MoveObject - Basic functions for when you just need to move something from point A to point B, or rotate by a given number of degrees, without anything fancy.
- Tween - An adaptation of the Tweener class of FLASH for unity.
- AspectRatioEnforcer - Force the screen to a desired aspect ratio, using letterboxing/pillarboxing as necessary.
- CameraGradientBackground - A simple two-color gradient background for your camera.
- Camera Target Swap- Highly modified look at script , with GUI button to swap target objects to look at .
- CarSmoothFollow - A smooth car follow script that dampens height, rotation and velocity based distance.
- CrossFade - Smoothly fade the view from one camera to another.
- CrossFadePro - Smoothly fade the view from one camera to another, with motion in both cameras.
- DetectTouchMovement - Facilitate a bit scripting the pinching and turning with 2 fingers
- DreamWipe - Fade the view from one camera to another, with the wavy distortion seen with dream sequences or flashbacks
- FadeInOut - Fade a full-screen image in or out, good for fade in outs.
- Floating Origin - Translates everything so that the camera stays at the origin to resolve spatial jittering in large scale games.
- FlyCam Extended - Improved version of FlyThrough (below) with cursor capturing, smoothed movement, climbing/dropping, and fast and slow move speed modifiers.
- FlyThrough - A basic fly through camera movement like the one within the editor.
- FollowTrackingCamera - A pretty basic C# camera that allows you to turn on/of zoom or rotation as you desire.
- Headbobber - Make an object bob up and down smoothly when you're pressing one or both of the horizontal/vertical axes.
- KeyboardOrbit - Tweaked version of the MouseOrbit script that allows keyboard control (or whatever is bound to the 'Horizontal' and 'Vertical' axes)
- KeyboardCameraControl - A C# script allowing various configurations for keyboard camera control. Also handles left keyboard modifiers (Alt,Ctrl,Shift)
- MinimapCamera - This script can be attached to a camera to provide some basic minimap functionality such as zooming and a full-screen toggle.
- MouseCameraControl - A C# script allowing various configurations for mouse camera control. Also handles left keyboard modifiers (Alt,Ctrl,Shift)
- MouseLookPlus - A javascript mouselook with key control. based on the standard assets C# mouselook.
- MouseLookPlus2 - A modification of MouseLookPlus to allow for moving and strafing the camera.
- MouseOrbitImproved - Improved version of the original MouseOrbit script. Zooms with the mousewheel and uses linecast to make sure that object isn't behind anything.
- MouseOrbitInfiteRotateZoom - No limits on rotating about target. Zooms with the mousewheel (can be limited).
- MouseOrbitZoom - A camera that combines orbiting zooming and panning, initially set up to mimic the 3dsMax camera controls.
- MouseTorque - A mouse look implementation using torque
- MultipleCameraSwitcher - A script that allows you to switch between different cameras in your scene. Supports four camera views that can be toggled with a button.
- MultipleCameraSwitcher2 - Switch between arbitrary numbers of cameras.
- OffsetVanishingPoint - Sets the vanishing point of a camera to an arbitrary position.
- RectangleWipe - Make an animated rectangular zooming screen wipe from one camera to another.
- ScreenWipes - Base script used by CrossFade, CrossFadePro, DreamWipe, RectangleWipe, ShapeWipe, and SquishWipe.
- ShapeWipe - Make an animated screen wipe, where an arbitrary shape containing the second view zooms in or out, and rotates.
- SmoothFollow2 - This is designed to make a camera smoothly follow a ship in space.
- SmoothFollowWithCameraBumper - Based on SmoothFollow2, this features a bumper mechanism to prevent the camera from going through
- SmoothFollowAdvanced - Based on SmoothFollow2 & SmoothFollowWithCameraBumper, this features a design capability and controller input.
- SmoothLookAt CS - CSharp version of SmoothLookAt JS script.
- SmoothLookFrame - Looks at a target but tries to keep another target within the camera's view.
- SmoothMouseLook - Modified version of MouseLook.cs script included in Unity's Standard Assets. It moves the camera with an easing effect.
- SquishWipe - Make an animated screen wipe from one camera to another, where the first image is squished out of view.
- StaticBackground - Use a static image as the background to your 3d scene.
- TouchLook - Use the iOS touches to rotate the camera
- TrackballCamera - a quick and dirty non-gimbal locking camera
- SeekSteer - Used to make an object loosely follow a path of waypoints.
- WalkOnSphere - Have a first person camera properly orient to walk on the surface of a sphere
- WaypointMaster - Implementation of A* algorithm, based on waypoints.
- Biped Parts Finder - Editor script for search simplification of parts of a biped body.
- Click To Move - Moves an object when the left mouse button is clicked or towards the mouse if the button is held down
- DoubleJumpController - A hack for the 2d gameplay tutorial character controller script, it allows the character to make a second jump when jumping, or make a little jump when falling.
- Finite State Machine - A simple Finite State Machine framework to control NPCs.
- FootstepHandler - Simple script for making footsteps.
- Force2D - Constrain a GameObject to move in two dimensions.
- Gesture_Recognizer - A math based gesture recognition script.
- GridMove - A controller for character movement typically seen in old-school 2D RPGs and strategy games.
- HeadLookController - Makes a character smoothly turn towards a specified point in space.
- JCar - A car using wheel colliders.
- KeyCombo - A class that can be used to detect fighting-game style combos.
- LookAtMouse - Cause an object to rotate toward the cursor, along the y axis.
- Pathfinding - [Old] A pathfinding-system using ray-casting to avoid obstacles.
How To Lock Cursor Unity
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